Thursday, May 27, 2004

Mindstream blog

I'll use this blog to point to things of general interest to Mindstreamers.

All Mindstream students have their own blog, which is pointed to by this link . If you are new to the group, use the following settings to set up your own blog. First, get a user name and password from Then, choose the 'advanced' setup, where you will host your own blog. Use the following settings:

ftp site:
ftp path: mainwebsite_html
blog file: you will need to choose a name that doesn't conflict with other people's names. So, use the following scheme: (your first name)_(a few words describing your project, separated by underscores). So, for example, Patrick could use patrick_dtn_i3.html.
template: I am using the 'harbor' template. For consistency, please use the same template for your blog.

To publish, you will need a login and password to the mindstream site. I will send that out on a separate email.
When you have the blog set up, please send me the blog url and I will link it to the project overview.

