Thursday, June 29, 2006

RIM to Expand BlackBerry Connect Service

A Blackberry with Wifi, persistent connections, and a camera! Music to my ears!

Qualcomm asks Reliance not to switch to GSM

I used to work closely with Kanwal Rekhi, who drummed into me the fact that respect must be earned. Here is a case in point. Qualcomm is one of the leading edge hi-tech companies from the world's only superpower. Yet, it's CEO must politely request Reliance not to switch to CDMA. Market power is everything! This is also a lesson in why monopolies are bad. If Reliance did not have a choice, it would be in pretty bad shape, as would its customers!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

$30 mobile handset launched

$30 handset and 2 billion cellphones in service today. Two milestones that we will look back to as world changing events!

Friday, June 09, 2006

domain-B : Indian business : companies : Motorola dials TN to make sub-$30 cell phones and base stations

With Motorla joining Samsung and Nokia to manufacture in India, cell phones costs will plunge, yet again. Yesterday, India announced that it had crossed 100 million subscribers, and its adding 5 million a *month*. The implications for global integration of the economy are clear.