An interesting ovewview of the current state of telecom in India.
We are seeing a revolution in the making. 6 million phones in a month is 2.3 phones sold every second! In the time it takes to read this article, another twenty phones have been sold. Add to this that providers like Airtel are adding a cell tower every twenty minutes, and you can get a sense of how rapidly things are changing. After being stuck with 1 phone per 100 for decades, India is surging towards substantial teledensity in a matter of years.
The impact of telecommunications on productivity are well known. It will be interesting to see whether this sudden increase in connectivity will lead to a virtuous cycle, finally ending poverty in our lifetime.
This is really interesting news. Moser is the second-largest producer of DVD blanks in the world, out a factory in North India. If they can ramp up solar cell production to large-scale, this will reduce the cost of solar worldwide. This is a space well worth watching. I will rooting for its success from the sidelines.
WiMax is debuting in India, at roughly the same time as the Sprint rollout in the US. It will be interesting to see the degree to which WiMax will displace DSL. Given that most the growth in the telecom sector in India is wireless, DSL is DOA, so WiMax is the way to go. Perhaps this will make India the largest 'unwired' market in the world... a far cry from the 2 phones/100 situation of just five years ago.
This is the long-awaited go ahead from the Indian government on setting up 100,000 rural kiosks! It will be fascinating to see how this works out.