Wednesday, February 13, 2008

About AirJaldi | AirJaldi


AirJaldi is a unique combination of high-tech, low-cost, and socially progressive thinking. Based out of Dharamshala, in the Himalayas, it combines long-range wireless with solar power to serve mountain communities. They have also set up a training center.

Unreasonable People: The Power of Social Entrepreneurs | - Development Through Enterprise

Unreasonable People: The Power of Social Entrepreneurs |

A good overview of social entrepreneurship. The site has many other interesting articles of this sort.

Mobile communication is revolutionizing economic and social development in rural India

Mobile communication is revolutionizing economic and social development in rural India

This is a good article on practical benefits from using cell phones in developing countries.
Its commissioned by Nokia, so the conclusions are not a great surprise, but still, there are some numbers here that give substance to the problem.