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by Nicole Keshav, 2023

I am the Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge and a Professorial Fellow at Fitzwilliam College. I am also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, ACM, and IEEE.

Pronunciation: Srinivasan Keshav (Keshav is my given name, though syntactically last).

Current work: Although I started out as a researcher in computer networking in 1988, since 2010 my focus has been on using computer science for sustainability, including reducing the carbon footprint of energy generation, transportation, and buildings and avoiding deforestation of tropical forests. Here is a more detailed list of what I am currently working on.

Part II/ACS Projects: Here is a list of potential projects. I will be happy to supervise similar projects.

Links: Online calendar | My YouTube channel | Wikipedia page | Semantic Scholar | Google News and Scholar profile | Energy and Environment Group | EEG YouTube channel | ORCID

Recent news

Email: sk818 at cam dot ac dot uk . I do not respond to email on weekends or between 5:30pm and 9:00am, but during those times, if the email does not require me to do more than 20 minutes of work, you can expect a rapid response.

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