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[Google Scholar link | https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=-EMkK7QAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao]
[https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=-EMkK7QAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao | Google Scholar profile]

Revision as of 19:36, 10 August 2015

| Google Scholar profile


  • A. Adepetu and S. Keshav, The Relative Importance of Price and Driving Range on Electric Vehicle Adoption: Los Angeles Case Study, To Appear, Transportation Journal, July 2015.
  • A. Rabbani and S. Keshav, The SPOT* System for Flexible Personal Heating and Cooling, poster, Best Poster Award, ACM eEnergy 2015, July 2015.
  • Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, F. Kazhamiaka, C. Rosenberg, and S. Keshav, Optimal Design of Solar PV Farms with Storage, To Appear, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, July 2015.
  • X. Gao, L. Golab, S. Keshav, What's wrong with my solar panels: a data-driven approach, Proc. Workshop on Energy Data Management, March 2015, pp. 86-93.



  • S. Alamdari, T. Biedl, T. M. Chan, E. Grant, K.R Jampani, S. Keshav, A. Lubiw and V. Pathak, Smart-grid Electricity Allocation via Strip Packing with Slicing, Proc. WADS 2013, August 2013.
  • Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, Firming Solar Power, Extended Abstract/Poster, Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2013.


  • S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, On Load Elasticity, in IEEE Comsoc MMTC-E letter, #8, Vol. 7 Nov. 2012.
  • X.Gao, A.R. Curtis, B. Wong, and S. Keshav, [http