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[[File:Girton-sunset.jpeg|250px|thumb|left|At Girton College, by Nicole Keshav, 2024]] 
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I am the Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science in the [https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/ Department of Computer Science and Technology] at the 
[https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6908821115980910592 University of Cambridge]
and a Professorial Fellow at [https://www.fitz.cam.ac.uk/ Fitzwilliam College]. I am also a Fellow of the [http://www.rsc-src.ca Royal Society of Canada], [https://www.acm.org ACM], and [https://www.ieee.org IEEE].
== Getting started ==
''Pronunciation'': [http://www.pronouncenames.com/pronounce/Srinivasan Srinivasan] [http://www.pronouncenames.com/search?name=keshav Keshav] (Keshav is my given name).
* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings Configuration settings list]
* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ MediaWiki FAQ]
''Current work:''
* [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki release mailing list]
Although I started out as a researcher in computer networking in 1988,
* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation#Translation_resources Localise MediaWiki for your language]
since 2010 my focus has
been on using computer science for sustainability. I have worked on reducing the carbon footprint of legacy systems such as energy generation,
transportation, and building. For the past five years, I have also worked on analysis of remote sensing data, primarily for avoiding deforestation of tropical forests. Here is a more detailed list and updated list of what I am currently [[working on]].
''Part II/ACS Projects:''
[[projectlist| Here]] is a list of potential projects. I will be happy to supervise similar projects.
[https://tinyurl.com/keshavcalendar Online calendar]
| [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AkpcXf_aiYwW2uXZR2pEA My YouTube channel]
| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srinivasan_Keshav Wikipedia page]
| [https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/S.-Keshav/145128122 Semantic Scholar ]
| Google [https://news.google.com/search?q=%22srinivasan%20keshav%22&hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen News] and [https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=-EMkK7QAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Scholar profile]
| [https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/research/eeg Energy and Environment Group]
| [https://www.youtube.com/@cambridgeenergyandenvironm4227/videos EEG YouTube channel]
| [https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6549-0464 ORCID]
''Recent news''
* We have released the [https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/using-ai-see-wood-trees GreenLens] app for tree trunk measurement.
* UKRI has funded our [https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/news/meet-terra-ai-aiming-map-terrestrial-life-planet Terra AI] project
* Congratulations to my former PhD student [http://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~oardakan/ Omid Ardakanian] for winning the [https://energy.acm.org/sigenergy-rising-star-award-2024-winner/ ACM SigENERGY Rising Star Award]. We also shared a Test of Time Award for our 2013 paper on using TCP-style control for electric vehicle charging.
* We recently released an [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17-Yu3KXcgJiFapGc2AjJ2dHNC30YUbup?usp=sharing app] to measure trunk diameter using low-end Android phones
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/165TXefhnIqlpGMkPuWgeGS8lBVhSKf7uVlt6CmIKjT0/edit?usp=sharing Declaration on an Academic Response to the Climate Crisis]
''Email:'' sk818 at cam dot ac dot uk . I do not [https://theconversation.com/do-you-answer-emails-outside-work-hours-do-you-send-them-new-research-shows-how-dangerous-this-can-be-160187 respond to email] on weekends or between 5:30pm and 9:00am, but during those times, if the email does not require me to do more than 20 minutes of work, you can expect a rapid response.
[[Older images|Other portraits]]

Latest revision as of 14:19, 17 February 2025

At Girton College, by Nicole Keshav, 2024

I am the Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge and a Professorial Fellow at Fitzwilliam College. I am also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, ACM, and IEEE.

Pronunciation: Srinivasan Keshav (Keshav is my given name).

Current work: Although I started out as a researcher in computer networking in 1988, since 2010 my focus has been on using computer science for sustainability. I have worked on reducing the carbon footprint of legacy systems such as energy generation, transportation, and building. For the past five years, I have also worked on analysis of remote sensing data, primarily for avoiding deforestation of tropical forests. Here is a more detailed list and updated list of what I am currently working on.

Part II/ACS Projects: Here is a list of potential projects. I will be happy to supervise similar projects.

Links: Online calendar | My YouTube channel | Wikipedia page | Semantic Scholar | Google News and Scholar profile | Energy and Environment Group | EEG YouTube channel | ORCID

Recent news

Email: sk818 at cam dot ac dot uk . I do not respond to email on weekends or between 5:30pm and 9:00am, but during those times, if the email does not require me to do more than 20 minutes of work, you can expect a rapid response.

Other portraits