Difference between revisions of "Working on"

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* Designing a trusted smart meter to ensure that data that enters a blockchain can be relied upon. (with Dimcho Karakashev)
* Designing a trusted smart meter to ensure that data that enters a blockchain can be relied upon. (with Dimcho Karakashev)
* Enhancing Fabric with quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms (with Bhargav Das, Amelia Holcombe, Geovandro Pereira, and Michele Mosca)
* Enhancing Fabric with quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms (with Bhargav Das, Amelia Holcombe, Geovandro Pereira, and Michele Mosca)
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Last updated October 24, 2019
Last updated Jan 9, 2020

Revision as of 11:08, 9 January 2020

What I'm Working On

This page is my attempt to keep track of all the things I'm working on...

Blockchain Research

  • Implementing RCanopus and further parallelizing the committer peer (with Christian Gorenflo, Ashwin Sekhari, Qingnan Duan, Linguan Wang, Lukasz Golab, Bernard Wong, and (at UMass) Stephen Lee and Prashant Shenoy)
  • Designing a trusted smart meter to ensure that data that enters a blockchain can be relied upon. (with Dimcho Karakashev)
  • Enhancing Fabric with quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms (with Bhargav Das, Amelia Holcombe, Geovandro Pereira, and Michele Mosca)

Energy systems

  • Instrumenting campus buildings to measure electricity, chilled water, and steam heat consumption (with Yerbol Aussat and Costin Ograda-Bratu)
  • Creating a website for homeowners and businesses to determine how many solar panels and how big a storage battery to buy to achieve a certain level of grid independence (with Fiodar Kazhamiaka)
  • Determining when to resize home energy storage systems (with Jan Deller)


  • Designing an index to measure researcher influence and also identify potential research fraud (with Ankai Jie)
  • Better teleconferncing (with David Adeboye and Anil Madhavpeddy)


Fall 2019

  • Conflict resolution for hot keys in Fabric (with Christian Gorenflo and Lukasz Golab)
  • Using RFID-based sensors for determining soil moisture level (with Ju Wang and Omid Abari)

Summer 2019

  • Improving the performance of Hyperledger Fabric. We've already got it to [20,000 tps (see FastFabric), and our goal is to get to 100,000 tps by and further parallelizing the committer peer (with Christian Gorenflo and Lukasz Golab)
  • Using Fabric to provide an audit trail for electric vehicle charging (with Christian Gorenflo, Lukasz Golab, and SWTCH EV Inc.)
  • Using deep neural networks to compute optimal (MPC-computed) storage operation strategies (with Fiodar Kazhamiaka and Catherine Rosenberg)
  • Using cloud cover and solar panel images to detect panel soiling and shadowing (with Yingjie Chen)

Spring 2019

  • Using IoT to reduce energy costs of lighting (with Yerbol Aussat)
  • Managing data consent on Fabric (with Rishav Agarwal, Dhruv Kumar, Pedro Velmovitsky, Plinio Morita, and Lukasz Golab)
  • Reducing the cost of personal thermal comfort systems (with Costin Ograda-Bratu)

Winter 2019

  • Using computer vision algorithms to estimate the degree of snow cover on solar panels (with Jia Ying Lin)
  • Improving the accuracy of RFID-based sensors (with Ju Wang and Omid Abari)
  • Designing and building an off-grid system to capture e-scooter activity and accidents (with Tingyun Liu and Lime Inc.)
  • Improving the description of research outcomes from my energy systems research (with Shela Qiu)

Last updated Jan 9, 2020