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(Created page with "=Feedback from readers of 'How to read a paper'= I find it somewhat ironic that I have received more feedback on this non-technical paper than for all of my other research pu...")
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I find it somewhat ironic that I have received more feedback on this non-technical paper than for all of my other research put together. Here is anonymized feedback from readers that may be useful to other readers.
I find it somewhat ironic that I have received more feedback on this non-technical paper than for all of my other research put together. Here is anonymized feedback from readers that may be useful to other readers.
"I am a PhD student in Economics and my biggest struggle is literature reviews. Since there is always a flood of work to review and it takes tremendous time and effort just to skim the papers I am usually lost and discouraged even in this seemingly easy stage of the research. I was telling myself I have to come up with a way to set a limit to the papers I need to read, but I was not able to stop myself from downloading papers as I encounter them. I still need to do a lot of practice with your suggested way of reviewing literature. But I already have a relief in my mind with the limit it sets to the papers to be downloaded. "
"I am a PhD student in Economics and my biggest struggle is literature reviews. Since there is always a flood of work to review and it takes tremendous time and effort just to skim the papers I am usually lost and discouraged even in this seemingly easy stage of the research. I was telling myself I have to come up with a way to set a limit to the papers I need to read, but I was not able to stop myself from downloading papers as I encounter them. I still need to do a lot of practice with your suggested way of reviewing literature. But I already have a relief in my mind with the limit it sets to the papers to be downloaded. "
"...while I do a literature survey and I am looking for a basic principle it helps to read papers not just in my field of specialization but in other fields where the same principles are used. It brings a very different perspective and sometimes opens up new methods of thinking.
"...while I do a literature survey and I am looking for a basic principle it helps to read papers not just in my field of specialization but in other fields where the same principles are used. It brings a very different perspective and sometimes opens up new methods of thinking.
"My comment is this; intuitively, I have been following something like the
"My comment is this; intuitively, I have been following something like the
same technique for some time and have found it very useful. However, the
same technique for some time and have found it very useful. However, the
Line 24: Line 28:
from very diverse fields (e.g., psychology, neurology, psychoacoustics,
from very diverse fields (e.g., psychology, neurology, psychoacoustics,
etc), I find this very useful."
etc), I find this very useful."
"You may also ask to print out the papers only after the first pass, if the
"You may also ask to print out the papers only after the first pass, if the
reader select that paper for second pass. Because I have seen that many
reader select that paper for second pass. Because I have seen that many
Line 30: Line 36:
abstract. I do not see any difficulty of going through first pass on the
abstract. I do not see any difficulty of going through first pass on the
screen, without printing it out. It will save some more trees."
screen, without printing it out. It will save some more trees."
"In the 2.1 section "The first pass", the second "C"---Context, which is in the five "Cs", the paper says "Which other papers is it related to? Which theoretical bases were used to analyze the problem?"
"In the 2.1 section "The first pass", the second "C"---Context, which is in the five "Cs", the paper says "Which other papers is it related to? Which theoretical bases were used to analyze the problem?"
I am not sure if the word "which" could be used properly like this when "other papers" and "theoretical bases" are both plurals. I have tried to search the keywords of "which" combined with "is it related to" and found most of results are in the form of "Which A is it related..." where A is grammatically singular. But lots of results of "What Bs is it related to" also showed up, where Bs is plural. Would it be possibly that the word "What" instead of "Which" is the correction expression?"
I am not sure if the word "which" could be used properly like this when "other papers" and "theoretical bases" are both plurals. I have tried to search the keywords of "which" combined with "is it related to" and found most of results are in the form of "Which A is it related..." where A is grammatically singular. But lots of results of "What Bs is it related to" also showed up, where Bs is plural. Would it be possibly that the word "What" instead of "Which" is the correction expression?"
"Loved it, though I have another document that I read in the past that
"Loved it, though I have another document that I read in the past that
helped me tremendously as well.
helped me tremendously as well.
Line 39: Line 48:
"One suggestion: the version I have (from here
"One suggestion: the version I have (from here
http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~vyas/teaching/CSE_592/Fall12/papers/howtoread.pdf) has an unwieldy length of 2.25 pages. From my perspective, the paper would be more accessible, especially as a reference material, if it were only 2 sides (so I can print it as one page, double-sided). Also, there is something unsatisfactory about that extra quarter side."
http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~vyas/teaching/CSE_592/Fall12/papers/howtoread.pdf) has an unwieldy length of 2.25 pages. From my perspective, the paper would be more accessible, especially as a reference material, if it were only 2 sides (so I can print it as one page, double-sided). Also, there is something unsatisfactory about that extra quarter side."
However, I have some problems in the third pass. You mentioned 'to attempt to virtually re-implement the paper'. I don't quite understand the concept 'virtually'. Could you explain a little more? Also, re-implementing the work is so tough that it seems impossible. For example, how to construct the author's environment to do experiments?"
"However, I have some problems in the third pass. You mentioned 'to attempt to virtually re-implement the paper'. I don't quite understand the concept 'virtually'. Could you explain a little more? Also, re-implementing the work is so tough that it seems impossible. For example, how to construct the author's environment to do experiments?"
"Happy to contact through mail. It is to appreciate you for giving such a paper.
"Happy to contact through mail. It is to appreciate you for giving such a paper.
Am pursuing my Ph.D i was asking many people how to write a paper.... but their answers were not fulfilling me.  
Am pursuing my Ph.D i was asking many people how to write a paper.... but their answers were not fulfilling me.  
Line 55: Line 67:
Moreover, besides Google Scholar and CiteSeer, I recommend libra.msra.cn as another way to quickly find top conferences, top papers and top institutes in a specific area. I tried it in the field of Computer Graphics, and it works well. DBLP is also a good website for academic research. It stores indices of huge numbers of papers and updates quickly.
In fact, I worked on my own version of "How to Read a Paper" on my own blog ( http://systemsci.org/jinshanw/) right after I got a msg from my colleague on the existence of your article and before I read it.  I then demonstrated "how to read a paper" using your article as an example applying my own steps about reading a paper, which is very similar with yours but with some subtle difference.
First, about the format of your article, I would like to suggest to put every important step in lists. Since you used a list to express steps in the first pass, also since I am a lazy man with more or less my own ideas on this already, while I was reading your article, I wished that in the second and the third pass you have also used lists. That way, I can almost avoid finding important inform from usual texts. I agree with you that formulea, figures, conclusion are more important than other buried lines. I suggest to add "lists" to this list of important formats. Also keeping format consistent (in texts on all of your three passes in the three sections) makes it easier to read.
Second, about the contents, I would like to suggest you to add my step 0. While supervising my own students, I notice basic of the field including terms, tastes, feelings and directions, are more important than others in determining whether or not a student can understand or appreciate a paper. What I refer to in step 0 is that some basic things beyond textbooks "but before" research papers. I guess before a student start to read a research paper, he/she is more or less familiar with the basic textbook level concepts and skills already. However, between textbooks and research books there is a gap, and quite often it is this gap making reading papers hard to some students. What I suggest is that every time this happens, then one can start from a review paper. A good review paper will provide a bridge for crossing this gap. Besides a review paper, maybe getting some feelings, directions, not only knowledge and skills, from their supervisors so that one can be motivated and can improve ones taste better, is also important.
On all other issues, I agree with you 100 percents, which makes my steps almost a  plagiarized version of yours, ^_^. Some further details are written in Chinese and I guess they will stay in Chinese for a long time since I am such a lazy person. But, hey, laziness is one of the motivation of progress of science and technology, right? 
At last, I would like to suggest to publishers (or the author himself/herself) that: it will be much better if when a paper is published, a table of contents and also a concept map explaining important concepts and major contributions of the work are published together with the paper. BTW, this is related to what I am working on currently: knowledge management, education, statistical physics and network science.
Anyway, good work and I am happy to see one more teacher who cares about students and tried to help them out, and who also share very similar thoughts on "how to read a paper". On a second thought, I should probability spend the time writing to you this email on translating the blog article in English, ^_^.
I suggest though that you give the reader that is new to proper reading an idea of the kind of things you write in the margins of a paper. Today while reading your paper I wrote in the margins for the first time in my reading life. I wrote the definitions of the words 'prototype' and 'implicit' which I had come across several times in my reading but not bothered to find out what they really meant. That is an example of what I wrote in the margins. May be if you gave the reader some of yours it would be very helpful in their future reading.
A few months ago, I published my first paper and wrote my PhD project to apply for a grant to undertake it. Luckily, my director helped me a lot but the process of writing was so hard (science speaks English...I'm from Argentina, so language is another challenge) that definitely I NEED to find a method. 
I like the "Three-pass approach", I will apply it. Another difficult part for me is the next step: to compare and connect conclusions, facts and concepts from differents papers. When you deal with many papers, how do you organize all that information?. I'd like to know if you have a method to do it. It should be simple: to focus on the most important concepts and conclusions to understand all points of view about the topic.
Writing a short summary in my own words or keywords of the main concepts from each paper are both good ideas, but I´d like to know your opinion. Will you recommend bibliography for me to read?. I really want to master this skill.
I have few comments about this paper, of course, maybe they are not correct, just from myself prospective.
1)      Could you add a table to summary the three-pass method? like give a word to define each pass, what’s purpose for each pass? which sections do we need to read in each pass? take how long ? how to deal with reference in each pass? Contrast them will give more impression and understanding to readers
2)      Could you add a pseudo-code for how to proceed this method? Because three-pass method has sort of logic relationship from start, like maybe continue or stop, like put it away for a while in order to cold treatment and then continue to read to refresh minds
3)      Give a case study could be more prefect
The Open University would very much like permission to use your paper – HOW TO READ A PAPER  in OpenLearn.  OpenLearn is part of the OU’s widening participation objectives. This initiative places chunks of its courses online and open to all.  The initiative recognises that the ability to learn and intelligence exists across all communities and OpenLearn provides the opportunity for people to learn and test their learning experience thro’ OpenLearn without pressure.  It also supports professional development in this way.  The learning units provide a complete teaching and learning experience.
To that end the OU (Dr Lucia Rapanotti – Snr Lecturer in our Dept of Computing and Communications) would like to keep intact to the unit taken from M813 (Computer Development) and  your article. 
This unit when published may also be of use to your own institution as it will be available to all.
Two months ago, I read your paper ‘how to read a paper’. I try to conduct it according to the content when I read the papers in my domain. It is very helpful, by doing pass 1, I could have an outline of one paper; pass2 makes me grasp the main content in one paper; and pass 3 tells me how to analysis a paper in depth.
However, I still encounter some problems in order to read paper more efficiently and smartly.
First, in pass 1, you suggest to find ‘assumptions’ and ‘theoretical bases’. I realize that assumption is very essential, because in pass 3, you suggest to ‘virtually re-implement’/’re-create ’ the work.
But I am always confused about ‘assumptions’ even after finish pass 2. What are the assumptions in one paper, and how to grasp it exactly? I think that maybe I just ignore it. As my simple opinion, for example, there is new idea in one paper, is this idea a big assumption? If in depth, how to resolve it to more assumptions in details?
Pass 1 just has 5-10 minutes duration as you said, after this quick review, why we could decide that this paper is well written or not? What are the criterions? Is it the length, number of graphics, or mathematical functions?
The following reference URL seems to be broken:
[3] G.M. Whitesides, “Whitesides’ Group: Writing a
This one works for me: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.200400767/pdf
In your paper, you have given some figures for the time it must take to read each of the 3 passes, for beginners and pros.
I think it is absolutely necessary that you have put these time figures. The reason it is necessary in my opinion is that it gives a specific and measurable goal, that one can roughly compare his progress against. True, it's not precise, but it is still something. It gives some information, rather than not giving any (As is unfortunately norm with almost all authors who --conservatively-- don't give any information in similar situations)
1. What is the time expectation for reading papers in my field (as described above)?
2. It's probably a delicate technique to realize if one has to retreat to reading background, before putting any much more effort into the paper.  a. What are the signs that one must switch to reading background? b. How much background  (and how deep) should one really read for the task of accomplishing the paper reading task, as all textbooks are 500+ pages and they take a life time to read fully.
During the first months in my PhD I felt lost in reading papers, and wasting time reading incorrect articles, your methodology is interesting, I was using only two steps but the 3 steps reading will give me more analyse in my work. Moreover I didn't know the times, by trial and error my beginning performance was 5 hours per paper, right now between 2-3 hours depending of the journal.
I would like to suggest the next points for future publications:
1) Nowadays, researchers are using Mendeley or Endnote to manage journal articles, when I read I use Mendeley to write annotations and after write my literature review.
2) Optimum time a researcher can read, pauses, when we have to start writing the ideas after reading one paper or maybe 5 papers in the same field, is there a methodology?.
I will do a research of the Related Work section in your paper, I'm interested to improve my efficiency, you can imagine the difficulty for an international student (my language is spanish) to read and write scientifically in English.
Kind regards from Townsville, Australia.
It's number 6 here: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/1168/what-papers-should-everyone-read
However, I must point out that you have apparently neglected to
describe the technique which I personally have found most effective in
my several decades of experience reading papers. To wit, printing the
paper or papers out on physical paper, stapling their pages together,
and carrying them with me to a trendy sidewalk cafe in an upscale part
of town, and them reading them while ordering 500 ml servings of dark
Belgian beer.
When accompanied by an ink pen and a yellow highlighter marker, I have
found that this technique greatly increases my comprehension,
satisfaction, and the chances that I can make meaningful edits to
Wikipedia based on the papers without being reverted. Please share the
benefits of your thoughts and ideas on these matters with me.
(My response: Caffeine >> Beer)
After extensive field trials, I have found that your proposed
improvement has yielded mixed results.
In general, I find that my accuracy and initial throughput are
increased with the application of caffeine, but long term throughput
has suffered due to motivation issues which are not present when
ethanol is applied.
In order to complete the 2 x 2 experimental matrix I shall henceforth
utilize Irish coffee, and report back with the results after a
sufficient number of trials.
I wish I had read this back in 2009
when I was formulating my PhD thesis topic! I wanted to tell you one
particular mistake I did back then, which resulted in lot of wasted
time. If you think this is useful, perhaps you can comment a little
bit on this in your article to save some other poor souls in the same
First off, I have to admit that I had trouble finding my research
topic. So, I resorted to reading a lot of papers in the hope of
finding some idea that will extend a previous idea or provide some
kind of counter solution. I would easily take about half-a-day or more
to completely read and understand a single research paper (I did not
follow your three phase approach, but I would read the abstract to see
if the paper I am about to read is a relevant paper). After reading
the paper I would look at the Related Work section and start the
process all over again. I did this for several months, But
unfortunately for me, this excessive paper reading didn't help me find
my research topic. When I finished reading one paper, I had collected
about another dozen or so in my to-read paper stack. Eventually this
process became too tiring and frustrating for me, and I gave up
reading papers to find my research topic all together.
So, for someone who's hopeful about finding new research frontiers and
advancing the state-of-the-art, would you recommend this approach?
Would contacting the authors of the papers help? Or should you
reconstruct their work and see how you can expand on it?
I didn't do any of those, but I think I should have paused for a
moment between each paper I thought was pretty good and initiate
connections or experimented myself on the ideas presented in the
There is one issue that I usually have difficulty in dealing with, which is how to take note and keep the records of what have read an noted so that I can efficiently refer to them later. Would you please give me some advice on this issue?
Hi:  I just received a copy of a copy of a copy … of your paper dated Aug. 2, 2013.
Do you have an electronic version that you could send to me (to share with my students)?  And, you note that you will be updating it, so if you have a later version, that would be great.

Revision as of 16:08, 2 February 2016

Feedback from readers of 'How to read a paper'

I find it somewhat ironic that I have received more feedback on this non-technical paper than for all of my other research put together. Here is anonymized feedback from readers that may be useful to other readers.

"I am a PhD student in Economics and my biggest struggle is literature reviews. Since there is always a flood of work to review and it takes tremendous time and effort just to skim the papers I am usually lost and discouraged even in this seemingly easy stage of the research. I was telling myself I have to come up with a way to set a limit to the papers I need to read, but I was not able to stop myself from downloading papers as I encounter them. I still need to do a lot of practice with your suggested way of reviewing literature. But I already have a relief in my mind with the limit it sets to the papers to be downloaded. "

"...while I do a literature survey and I am looking for a basic principle it helps to read papers not just in my field of specialization but in other fields where the same principles are used. It brings a very different perspective and sometimes opens up new methods of thinking. "

"My comment is this; intuitively, I have been following something like the same technique for some time and have found it very useful. However, the one thing you didn't elaborate on is time-scale. I find the process works best when there is quite a large amount of time between each stage of review. For example, I find that I often collect large numbers of papers, read them (10 minute rapid first review) and then come back to them sometimes weeks later for a second pass. Finally, some further weeks or months later I return to them and find that I can extract the final useful insight that I had not done previously. (This also works really well for reading large PhD-thesis type documents).

Obviously, this might not be useful for reviewing papers under a tight deadline, but as a PhD student reading an extremely large number of papers from very diverse fields (e.g., psychology, neurology, psychoacoustics, etc), I find this very useful."

"You may also ask to print out the papers only after the first pass, if the reader select that paper for second pass. Because I have seen that many people just print out papers and through them away just after reading the abstract. I do not see any difficulty of going through first pass on the screen, without printing it out. It will save some more trees."

"In the 2.1 section "The first pass", the second "C"---Context, which is in the five "Cs", the paper says "Which other papers is it related to? Which theoretical bases were used to analyze the problem?" I am not sure if the word "which" could be used properly like this when "other papers" and "theoretical bases" are both plurals. I have tried to search the keywords of "which" combined with "is it related to" and found most of results are in the form of "Which A is it related..." where A is grammatically singular. But lots of results of "What Bs is it related to" also showed up, where Bs is plural. Would it be possibly that the word "What" instead of "Which" is the correction expression?"

"Loved it, though I have another document that I read in the past that helped me tremendously as well.

http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~wgg/CSE210/howtoread.html "

"One suggestion: the version I have (from here http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~vyas/teaching/CSE_592/Fall12/papers/howtoread.pdf) has an unwieldy length of 2.25 pages. From my perspective, the paper would be more accessible, especially as a reference material, if it were only 2 sides (so I can print it as one page, double-sided). Also, there is something unsatisfactory about that extra quarter side."

"However, I have some problems in the third pass. You mentioned 'to attempt to virtually re-implement the paper'. I don't quite understand the concept 'virtually'. Could you explain a little more? Also, re-implementing the work is so tough that it seems impossible. For example, how to construct the author's environment to do experiments?"

"Happy to contact through mail. It is to appreciate you for giving such a paper. Am pursuing my Ph.D i was asking many people how to write a paper.... but their answers were not fulfilling me.

i was keep on searching the net for my question. suddenly in some website i have seen the link "how to read a paper" i clicked i git your paper.. before and all i just like that read papers without any formality...but now i came to know with clear format and clarity after reading yours.

you have specified three approaches nice sir. thank you somuch... Now-a-days my view on reading the papers has been totally changed. It is worthful..


Moreover, besides Google Scholar and CiteSeer, I recommend libra.msra.cn as another way to quickly find top conferences, top papers and top institutes in a specific area. I tried it in the field of Computer Graphics, and it works well. DBLP is also a good website for academic research. It stores indices of huge numbers of papers and updates quickly.

In fact, I worked on my own version of "How to Read a Paper" on my own blog ( http://systemsci.org/jinshanw/) right after I got a msg from my colleague on the existence of your article and before I read it. I then demonstrated "how to read a paper" using your article as an example applying my own steps about reading a paper, which is very similar with yours but with some subtle difference.

First, about the format of your article, I would like to suggest to put every important step in lists. Since you used a list to express steps in the first pass, also since I am a lazy man with more or less my own ideas on this already, while I was reading your article, I wished that in the second and the third pass you have also used lists. That way, I can almost avoid finding important inform from usual texts. I agree with you that formulea, figures, conclusion are more important than other buried lines. I suggest to add "lists" to this list of important formats. Also keeping format consistent (in texts on all of your three passes in the three sections) makes it easier to read.

Second, about the contents, I would like to suggest you to add my step 0. While supervising my own students, I notice basic of the field including terms, tastes, feelings and directions, are more important than others in determining whether or not a student can understand or appreciate a paper. What I refer to in step 0 is that some basic things beyond textbooks "but before" research papers. I guess before a student start to read a research paper, he/she is more or less familiar with the basic textbook level concepts and skills already. However, between textbooks and research books there is a gap, and quite often it is this gap making reading papers hard to some students. What I suggest is that every time this happens, then one can start from a review paper. A good review paper will provide a bridge for crossing this gap. Besides a review paper, maybe getting some feelings, directions, not only knowledge and skills, from their supervisors so that one can be motivated and can improve ones taste better, is also important.

On all other issues, I agree with you 100 percents, which makes my steps almost a plagiarized version of yours, ^_^. Some further details are written in Chinese and I guess they will stay in Chinese for a long time since I am such a lazy person. But, hey, laziness is one of the motivation of progress of science and technology, right?

At last, I would like to suggest to publishers (or the author himself/herself) that: it will be much better if when a paper is published, a table of contents and also a concept map explaining important concepts and major contributions of the work are published together with the paper. BTW, this is related to what I am working on currently: knowledge management, education, statistical physics and network science.

Anyway, good work and I am happy to see one more teacher who cares about students and tried to help them out, and who also share very similar thoughts on "how to read a paper". On a second thought, I should probability spend the time writing to you this email on translating the blog article in English, ^_^.

I suggest though that you give the reader that is new to proper reading an idea of the kind of things you write in the margins of a paper. Today while reading your paper I wrote in the margins for the first time in my reading life. I wrote the definitions of the words 'prototype' and 'implicit' which I had come across several times in my reading but not bothered to find out what they really meant. That is an example of what I wrote in the margins. May be if you gave the reader some of yours it would be very helpful in their future reading.

A few months ago, I published my first paper and wrote my PhD project to apply for a grant to undertake it. Luckily, my director helped me a lot but the process of writing was so hard (science speaks English...I'm from Argentina, so language is another challenge) that definitely I NEED to find a method.

I like the "Three-pass approach", I will apply it. Another difficult part for me is the next step: to compare and connect conclusions, facts and concepts from differents papers. When you deal with many papers, how do you organize all that information?. I'd like to know if you have a method to do it. It should be simple: to focus on the most important concepts and conclusions to understand all points of view about the topic.

Writing a short summary in my own words or keywords of the main concepts from each paper are both good ideas, but I´d like to know your opinion. Will you recommend bibliography for me to read?. I really want to master this skill.

I have few comments about this paper, of course, maybe they are not correct, just from myself prospective.

1) Could you add a table to summary the three-pass method? like give a word to define each pass, what’s purpose for each pass? which sections do we need to read in each pass? take how long ? how to deal with reference in each pass? Contrast them will give more impression and understanding to readers 2) Could you add a pseudo-code for how to proceed this method? Because three-pass method has sort of logic relationship from start, like maybe continue or stop, like put it away for a while in order to cold treatment and then continue to read to refresh minds 3) Give a case study could be more prefect

The Open University would very much like permission to use your paper – HOW TO READ A PAPER in OpenLearn. OpenLearn is part of the OU’s widening participation objectives. This initiative places chunks of its courses online and open to all. The initiative recognises that the ability to learn and intelligence exists across all communities and OpenLearn provides the opportunity for people to learn and test their learning experience thro’ OpenLearn without pressure. It also supports professional development in this way. The learning units provide a complete teaching and learning experience.

To that end the OU (Dr Lucia Rapanotti – Snr Lecturer in our Dept of Computing and Communications) would like to keep intact to the unit taken from M813 (Computer Development) and your article.

This unit when published may also be of use to your own institution as it will be available to all.

Two months ago, I read your paper ‘how to read a paper’. I try to conduct it according to the content when I read the papers in my domain. It is very helpful, by doing pass 1, I could have an outline of one paper; pass2 makes me grasp the main content in one paper; and pass 3 tells me how to analysis a paper in depth.

However, I still encounter some problems in order to read paper more efficiently and smartly.

First, in pass 1, you suggest to find ‘assumptions’ and ‘theoretical bases’. I realize that assumption is very essential, because in pass 3, you suggest to ‘virtually re-implement’/’re-create ’ the work. But I am always confused about ‘assumptions’ even after finish pass 2. What are the assumptions in one paper, and how to grasp it exactly? I think that maybe I just ignore it. As my simple opinion, for example, there is new idea in one paper, is this idea a big assumption? If in depth, how to resolve it to more assumptions in details?

Pass 1 just has 5-10 minutes duration as you said, after this quick review, why we could decide that this paper is well written or not? What are the criterions? Is it the length, number of graphics, or mathematical functions?

The following reference URL seems to be broken: [3] G.M. Whitesides, “Whitesides’ Group: Writing a Paper,” http://www.che.iitm.ac.in/misc/dd/writepaper.pdf

This one works for me: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.200400767/pdf

In your paper, you have given some figures for the time it must take to read each of the 3 passes, for beginners and pros. I think it is absolutely necessary that you have put these time figures. The reason it is necessary in my opinion is that it gives a specific and measurable goal, that one can roughly compare his progress against. True, it's not precise, but it is still something. It gives some information, rather than not giving any (As is unfortunately norm with almost all authors who --conservatively-- don't give any information in similar situations)

Question: 1. What is the time expectation for reading papers in my field (as described above)? 2. It's probably a delicate technique to realize if one has to retreat to reading background, before putting any much more effort into the paper. a. What are the signs that one must switch to reading background? b. How much background (and how deep) should one really read for the task of accomplishing the paper reading task, as all textbooks are 500+ pages and they take a life time to read fully.

During the first months in my PhD I felt lost in reading papers, and wasting time reading incorrect articles, your methodology is interesting, I was using only two steps but the 3 steps reading will give me more analyse in my work. Moreover I didn't know the times, by trial and error my beginning performance was 5 hours per paper, right now between 2-3 hours depending of the journal.

I would like to suggest the next points for future publications:

1) Nowadays, researchers are using Mendeley or Endnote to manage journal articles, when I read I use Mendeley to write annotations and after write my literature review.

2) Optimum time a researcher can read, pauses, when we have to start writing the ideas after reading one paper or maybe 5 papers in the same field, is there a methodology?.

I will do a research of the Related Work section in your paper, I'm interested to improve my efficiency, you can imagine the difficulty for an international student (my language is spanish) to read and write scientifically in English.

Kind regards from Townsville, Australia.

It's number 6 here: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/1168/what-papers-should-everyone-read

However, I must point out that you have apparently neglected to describe the technique which I personally have found most effective in my several decades of experience reading papers. To wit, printing the paper or papers out on physical paper, stapling their pages together, and carrying them with me to a trendy sidewalk cafe in an upscale part of town, and them reading them while ordering 500 ml servings of dark Belgian beer.

When accompanied by an ink pen and a yellow highlighter marker, I have found that this technique greatly increases my comprehension, satisfaction, and the chances that I can make meaningful edits to Wikipedia based on the papers without being reverted. Please share the benefits of your thoughts and ideas on these matters with me.

(My response: Caffeine >> Beer)

After extensive field trials, I have found that your proposed improvement has yielded mixed results.

In general, I find that my accuracy and initial throughput are increased with the application of caffeine, but long term throughput has suffered due to motivation issues which are not present when ethanol is applied.

In order to complete the 2 x 2 experimental matrix I shall henceforth utilize Irish coffee, and report back with the results after a sufficient number of trials.

I wish I had read this back in 2009 when I was formulating my PhD thesis topic! I wanted to tell you one particular mistake I did back then, which resulted in lot of wasted time. If you think this is useful, perhaps you can comment a little bit on this in your article to save some other poor souls in the same situation.

First off, I have to admit that I had trouble finding my research topic. So, I resorted to reading a lot of papers in the hope of finding some idea that will extend a previous idea or provide some kind of counter solution. I would easily take about half-a-day or more to completely read and understand a single research paper (I did not follow your three phase approach, but I would read the abstract to see if the paper I am about to read is a relevant paper). After reading the paper I would look at the Related Work section and start the process all over again. I did this for several months, But unfortunately for me, this excessive paper reading didn't help me find my research topic. When I finished reading one paper, I had collected about another dozen or so in my to-read paper stack. Eventually this process became too tiring and frustrating for me, and I gave up reading papers to find my research topic all together.

So, for someone who's hopeful about finding new research frontiers and advancing the state-of-the-art, would you recommend this approach? Would contacting the authors of the papers help? Or should you reconstruct their work and see how you can expand on it? I didn't do any of those, but I think I should have paused for a moment between each paper I thought was pretty good and initiate connections or experimented myself on the ideas presented in the paper.

There is one issue that I usually have difficulty in dealing with, which is how to take note and keep the records of what have read an noted so that I can efficiently refer to them later. Would you please give me some advice on this issue?

Hi: I just received a copy of a copy of a copy … of your paper dated Aug. 2, 2013.

Do you have an electronic version that you could send to me (to share with my students)? And, you note that you will be updating it, so if you have a later version, that would be great.