Past courses
Some of these links may no longer work...
CS436 Computer Networking and Distributed Systems (for non-CS majors) Fall 2014, University of Waterloo. This flipped course was based on lecture videos from my Winter 2012 offering. |
CS 436 Computer Networking and Distributed Systems (for non-CS majors) Winter 2012, University of Waterloo. |
CS 798 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking Fall 2011, University of Waterloo. |
CS 456 Computer Networking Spring 2009, University of Waterloo. |
CS 798 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking, Fall 2008, University of Waterloo |
CS 456 Computer Networking Winter 2007, University of Waterloo. |
CS 456 Computer Networking Fall 2005, University of Waterloo. |
CS 856 Tetherless Computing, Fall 2004, University of Waterloo |
CS 456 Computer Networking , Winter 2004, University of Waterloo |
CS 314 Introduction to Logic and Computer Architecture, Spring 1999, Cornell University |
CS 519 Engineering Computer Networks, Fall 1998, Cornell University |
CS 314 Introduction to Logic and Computer Architecture, Spring 1998, Cornell University |
CS 614 Advanced Systems, Spring 1997, Cornell University |
CS 519 Engineering Computer Networks, Fall 1996, Cornell University |
EE6761 Engineering Computer Networks, Fall 1995, Columbia University |
CS900 Advanced Computer Networks, Spring 1993, IIT Delhi |