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* S. Singla, Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, and S. Keshav. Using Storage to Minimize Carbon Footprint of Diesel Generators for Unreliable Grids, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2014.
* O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and, S. Keshav, Quantifying the Benefits of Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Deadlines with Solar Generation, to appear in Proc. IEEE Smart Grid Communications, November 2014.
* Y.J. Liu, P.X. Gao, B. Wong, and S. Keshav, [https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~bernard/sigc318-liu.pdf Quartz: A New Design Element for Low-Latency DCNs],  Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, August 2014.
*  O. Ardakanian, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, [https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~cath/tsgo14.pdf Real-Time Distributed Control for Smart Electric Vehicle Chargers: From a Static to a Dynamic Study], accepted in IEEE Trans on Smart Grids, May 2014.
*  O. Ardakanian, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, [https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~cath/tsgo14.pdf Real-Time Distributed Control for Smart Electric Vehicle Chargers: From a Static to a Dynamic Study], accepted in IEEE Trans on Smart Grids, May 2014.
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* S. Guo and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/conext.pdf Fair and Efficient Scheduling in Data Ferrying Networks], ''Proc. CoNEXT 2007,'' December 2007.
* S. Guo and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/conext.pdf Fair and Efficient Scheduling in Data Ferrying Networks], ''Proc. CoNEXT 2007,'' Decev/home/Papers/data/91/thesis/intro.pdf Introduction and Abstract].
* M.A. Zaharia, and S. Keshav [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/techreport.pdf Fast and Optimal Scheduling Over Multiple Network Interfaces], ''University of Waterloo Technical Report CS-2007-36,'' October 2007.
* S. Guo, M.H. Falaki, E.A. Oliver, S. Ur Rahman, A. Seth, M.A. Zaharia, and S. Keshav [http://blizzard.cs.uwaterloo.ca/tetherless/images/c/c0/Kiosknet.pdf Very Low-Cost Internet Access Using KioskNet], ''ACM Computer Communication Review,'' October 2007.
* N. Ahmed, V. Shrivastava, A. Mishra, S. Banerjee, S. Keshav, K. Papagiannaki, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/speculative-schedling.pdf Interference Mitigation in Enterprise WLANs through Speculative Scheduling (Extended Abstract)], ''ACM Mobicom 2007,'' September 2007.
* M. Karsten, S. Keshav, S. Prasad, and O. Beg [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/abc-camera-ready.pdf An Axiomatic Basis for Communication], ''ACM SIGCOMM 2007,'' August 2007.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/paper-reading.pdf How to Read a Paper], ''ACM Computer Communication Review,'' July 2007.
** The link above points to the updated version of June 26, 2012; the original version can be found [http://www.sigcomm.org/sites/default/files/ccr/papers/2007/July/1273445-1273458.pdf here].
** [http://psychologyinc.blogspot.com/ Iain McLean's] paper review [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/paper_review_matrix.pdf matrix] based on the three-pass approach.
* D. Hadaller, S. Keshav, T. Brecht, S. Agarwal, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/microscope.pdf Vehicular Opportunistic Communication Under the Microscope], ''Proc. Mobisys 2007,'' Puerto Rico, June 2007.
* M.A. Zaharia and S.Keshav,[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/ccpe.pdf Gossip-based Search Selection in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks], ''J. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience'', 2007.
* M.A. Zaharia, A. Chandel, S. Saroiu, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/07/spell.pdf  Finding Content in File-Sharing Networks When You Can't Even Spell], ''Proc. IPTPS,'' Seattle, February 2007.
* N. Ahmed and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/smarta-camera-ready.pdf SMARTA: A Self-Managing Architecture for Thin Access Points], ''Proc. CoNEXT'06'', December 2006.
*  M. Thomas, A. Gupta, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/hipc.pdf Group Based Routing in Disconnected Ad Hoc Networks], ''Proc. 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing'', December 2006.
* M. Karsten, S. Keshav, and S. Prasad, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/abc_final.pdf An Axiomatic Basis for Communication], ''Proc. HotNets'06,'' November 2006.
* N. Ahmed, D. Hadaller, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/guess-mobishare06.pdf GUESS: Gossiping Updates for Efficient Spectrum Sensing], ''Proc. ACM MobiShare- 1st International Workshop on Decentralized Resource Sharing in Mobile Computing and Networking'', September 2006.
* D. Hadaller, S. Keshav, and T. Brecht, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/chants06.pdf MV-MAX: Improving Wireless Infrastructure Access for Multi-Vehicular Communication],''Proc. SIGCOMM 2006 Workshop on Challenged Networks'', September 2006.
* A. Seth, D. Kroeker, M. Zaharia, S. Guo, S. Keshav,[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/mobicom06.pdf Low-cost Communication for Rural Internet Kiosks Using Mechanical Backhaul],''Proc. MOBICOM 2006'', September 2006.
* S. Guo, M. Ghaderi, A. Seth, S.Keshav,[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/wnept.pdf Opportunistic Scheduling in Ferry-Based Networks],''Proc. WNEPT 2006'', August 2006.
* A. Allavena and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/TechReport-CS-2006-22.pdf LOT: Fast, Efficient and Robust In-Network Computation], UW Technical Report 2006-22, July 2006.
* A. Allavena, Q. Wang, I. Ilyas, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/06/TechReport-CS-2006-21.pdf LOT: A Robust Overlay for Distributed Range Query Processing], UW Technical Report 2006-21, July 2006.
* N. Ahmed and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/succ-refinement.pdf A Successive Refinement Approach to Wireless Infrastructure Network Deployment], ''Proc. WCNC'', April 2006.
* H.J. Pan and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/faults.pdf Detection and Repair of Faulty Access Points], ''Proc. WCNC'', April 2006.
* M.A. Zaharia and S. Keshav,[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/search.pdf Gossip-Based Search Selection in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks],''Proc. IPTPS'', February 2006.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/approx.pdf Efficient and Decentralized Computation of Approximate Global State], ''ACM Computer Communication Review'', Jan. 2006.
* A. Seth and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/tca_security.pdf Practical Security for Disconnected Nodes], ''Proc. First Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSEC)'', November 2005.
* M. Ghaderi and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/mms.pdf Multimedia Messaging Service: System Description and Performance Analysis], ''Proc. WICON'', July 2005.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/05/cellphonev3.pdf Why Cell Phones Will Dominate the Future Internet], ''Editorial in ACM Computer Communication Review'', April 2005.
* M. Zaharia and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/04/hybrid.pdf Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Search], ''University  of Waterloo  Technical Report 2004-55'', November 2004.
* J. Wang, Y. Zhang, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/01/understandinge2e_globecom.pdf  Understanding End-to-End Performance: Testbed and Preliminary Results], ''Proc. of IEEE Global Internet Symposium'', November 2001.
* L. Qiu, Y. Zhang and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/01/manytcp_compnet.pdf  Understanding the Performance of Many TCP Flows], ''Computer Networks'', 37(3-4), pp. 277-306, November 2001
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/01/twp3.pdf Ensim ServerXchange - the Key to Hosting Automation: A White Paper], ''Ensim Technical Publication'' July 2001.
* Y. Zhang, L. Qiu, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/00/tcpspand_nossdav00.pdf Speeding Up Short Data Transfers: Theory, Architecture Support, and Simulation Results], ''Proc. NOSSDAV 2000'', Chapel Hill, NC, June 2000.
* D. Bergmark and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/00/bblocks.pdf  Building Blocks for Internet Telephony], ''IEEE Communications Magazine'', April 2000.
*L. Qiu, Y. Zhang and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/manytcp_icnp.pdf On Individual and Aggregate TCP Performance], ''Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '99)'', Toronto, Canada, November 1999.  `
* J. Wang and S. Keshav [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/ethernet_lcn.pdf Efficient and Accurate Ethernet Simulation], ''Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer  Networks '' 1999.
* S. Keshav and S. Paul, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/cm_icnp.pdf Centralized Multicast], '' Proc. ICNP '99'', October 1999.
* R. Siamwalla, R. Sharma, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/discovery.pdf Discovering Internet Topology], '' Unpublished manuscript'', July 1999.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/multimodal.pdf Multimodal Applications and Multiplanar Networks], ''Unpublished manuscript'', March 1999.
* X.W.Huang, R. Sharma, and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/99/entrapid_infocom.pdf The ENTRAPID Protocol Development Environment], ''Proc. Infocom '99, '' March 1999.
* S. Keshav and R. Sharma, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/98/npm_nossdav98.pdf Achieving Quality of Service through Network Performance Management], ''Proc.  NOSSDAV '98'', July 1998.
* S. Keshav and R. Sharma, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/98/routertrends_ieeecomm.pdf Issues and Trends in Router Design, ] ''IEEE Communications Magazine'', May 1998.
* M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav , D. Tse, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/97/rcbr_ton.pdf RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic], ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking'', December 1997.
* R. Sharma, S. Keshav, M. Wu, and L. Wu, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/97/active_nossdav.pdf Environments for Active Networks], ''Proc. NOSSDAV '97, '' May 1997.
* S. Keshav and S.P. Morgan, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/97/smart_infocom.pdf  SMART: Retransmission: Performance with Random Losses and Overload], ''Proc. INFOCOM '97'', April 1997.
* C.R. Kalmanek, S. Keshav, W.T. Marshall, S.P. Morgan, and R.C.  Restrick, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/97/xunet_ton.pdf Xunet 2: Lessons from an Early Wide-Area ATM Testbed], ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, '' April 1997.
*A.E. Kaplan, S. Keshav, N.L. Schryer and J.H. Venutolo, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/97/car_mmjournal.pdf An Internet Accessible Telepresence], ''Multimedia Systems Journal, March 1997.''
* R. Ahuja, S. Keshav and H. Saran, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/96/transport_ton.pdf Design ,Implementation, and Performance Measurement of a Native-Mode ATM Transport Layer (Extended Version)], ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking'' August 1996.
* A. Jain and S. Keshav, [http://blizzard.cs.uwaterloo.ca/keshav/home/Papers/freebsd_nossdav.pdf Native-mode ATM in FreeBSD: Experience and Performance], ''Proc. NOSSDAV '96'', April 1996.
* R. Ahuja, S. Keshav and H. Saran, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/96/transport_infocom.pdf Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Native-Mode ATM Transport Layer], ''Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '96'', March 1996.
* M. Grossglauser and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/96/cbr_infocom.pdf On CBR Service], ''Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '96'', March 1996.
* S. Keshav , C. Lund, S. Phillips, N. Reingold and H. Saran, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/95/hold_jsac.pdf\" An Empirical Evaluation of Virtual Circuit Holding Time Policies in IP-over- ATM Networks], ''IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication'', October 1995.
* M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav , D. Tse, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/95/rcbr_sigcomm.pdf  RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic], ''Proc. SigComm '95'', August 1995.
*M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav , D. Tse, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/95/vbr_nossdav.pdf The Case Against VBR], ''Proc. NOSSDAV '95'', April 1995.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/95/pp.pdf Packet-Pair Flow Control] -- Available only on the web (Warning: this paper is 55 pages long).
* S.P. Morgan and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/pp_overload.pdf/ Packet-Pair Rate Control - Buffer Requirements and Overload Performance], ''Technical Memorandum, AT&T Bell Laboratories'', October 1994.
* R. Sharma and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/signaling_os_sigcomm.pdf Signaling and Operating System Support for Native-Mode ATM Applications], ''Proc. ACM SigComm'94'', August 1994.
* H. Saran and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/hold_infocom.pdf An Empirical Evaluation of Virtual Circuit Holding Times in IP-over-ATM Networks], ''Proc. Infocom '94'', June 1994.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/videoconf_inet.pdf Experience with Large Videoconferences in Xunet 2], ''Proc. INET'94'' , June 1994.
* S. Keshav and H. Saran, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/semantics_att.pdf Semantics and Implementation of a Native-Mode ATM Protocol Stack], ''AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Memorandum'', February 1994.
* H. Saran, S. Keshav and C.R. Kalmanek, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/94/xusched_nossdav.pdf A Scheduling Discipline and Admission Control Policy for Xunet 2], ''Proc. NOSSDAV '93'', November 1993; also ''Multimedia Systems Journal'', 1994.
* A.E. Kaplan and S. Keshav, Talking Heads Made Simple, ''Presented at the 1993 International Worshop on Facial Animation'', Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1993.  [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/93/face_anim.txt Patent disclosure]
* A. Berenbaum, M.J. Dixon, A. Iyengar and S. Keshav, [http://blizzard.cs.uwaterloo.ca/keshav/home/Papers/ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel3/65/5854/00224052.pdf A Flexible ATM Host-Interface for Xunet 2], ''IEEE Network Magazine'', V7, N4, July 1993.
*A. Banerjea and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/93/q_delays_infocom.pdf Queueing Delays in Rate-Controlled Networks], ''Proc. Infocom'93'', March 1993.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/92/qoswkshop_att Report on Workshop on Quality of Service Issues in High Speed Networks], ''ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review'', October 1992.
* H. Kanakia, S. Keshav and P. Mishra, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/92/comparison_att.pdf A Benchmark Suite for Comparing Congestion Control Schemes], ''Technical Memorandum, AT&T Bell Laboratories'', July 1992.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/92/pp_inet.pdf Flow Control in High-Speed Networks with Long Delays], ''Proceedings of INET '92'', Kobe, Japan, June 1992.
* P.S. Khedkar and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/92/fuzz.pdf Fuzzy Prediction of Timeseries], ''Proc. IEEE Conference on on Fuzzy Systems'', March 1992.
*C. Parris, S. Keshav and D. Ferrari, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/92/pricing.pdf  A Framework for the Study of Pricing in Integrated Networks], ''ICSI Technical Report TR-92-016 and AT&T Bell Labs Technical Memorandum TM-920105-03'', January 1992.
*S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/hrr++_att.pdf  Implementing Stop-and-Go using Hierarchical Round Robin Service], ''Technical Memorandum TM-911018-15'', AT&T Bell Laboratories, October 1991.
* H. Zhang and S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/comparison_sigcomm.pdf Comparision of Rate-Based Service Disciplines], ''Proc ACM SigComm 1991'', September 1991.
*S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/pp_sigcomm.pdf A Control-theoretic Approach to Flow Control], ''Proc. ACM SigComm 1991'', September 1991. '''Winner of Best Student Paper Award and Test-of-Time Award'''
*S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/effimpl.pdf On the Efficient Implementation of Fair Queueing], ''Journal of Internetworking: Research and Experience'', V2, N3, September 1991.
* S. Keshav, [http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/keshav.th.tar.Z Congestion Control in Computer Networks] ''PhD Thesis, published as UC Berkeley TR-654'', September 1991.  (Awarded the Sakrison Prize for the best PhD thesis in the EECS department, 1992.)
**[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/intro.pdf Introduction and Abstract].
**[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/ch1.pdf Chapter 1: Introduction].
**[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/ch1.pdf Chapter 1: Introduction].
**[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/ch2.pdf Chapter 2: Fair Queueing].
**[http://svr-sk818-web.cl.cam.ac.uk/keshav/papers/91/thesis/ch2.pdf Chapter 2: Fair Queueing].

Revision as of 14:15, 5 September 2014


  • S. Singla, Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, and S. Keshav. Using Storage to Minimize Carbon Footprint of Diesel Generators for Unreliable Grids, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2014.
  • O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and, S. Keshav, Quantifying the Benefits of Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Deadlines with Solar Generation, to appear in Proc. IEEE Smart Grid Communications, November 2014.


  • S. Alamdari, T. Biedl, T. M. Chan, E. Grant, K.R Jampani, S. Keshav, A. Lubiw and V. Pathak, Smart-grid Electricity Allocation via Strip Packing with Slicing, Proc. WADS 2013, August 2013.
  • Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, Firming Solar Power, Extended Abstract/Poster, Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2013.


  • S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, On Load Elasticity, in IEEE Comsoc MMTC-E letter, #8, Vol. 7 Nov. 2012.



  • S. Guo, M. Derakhshani, M.H. Falaki, U. Ismail, R. Luk, E.A. Oliver, S. Ur Rahman, A. Seth, M.A. Zaharia, S. Keshav, Design and implementation of the KioskNet system, Computer Networks, In Press, Available online 10 August 2010, ISSN 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2010.08.001.







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